Department of Health,Kaohsiung City Government

Brand New Home-Visit Bathing Service in Kaohsiung City's 9 Districts including Cishan and Meinong.

Brand New Home-Visit Bathing Service in Kaohsiung City's 9 Districts including Cishan and Meinong.

Posted on: 2017-10-26  Posted by: Planning Office
As the life expectancy increasing, family structure changing, and population aging, more and more elderly couple have to take care of themselves. To reduce pressure on caregivers and conserve their energy by allocating more long-term care resources to remote areas, Kaohsiung City's Department of Health gets a home-visit bathing car sponsored by Kaohsiung Guandi Temple Management Committee and contracts with Kaohsiung City Cuiwen Academy Social Welfare Charity Foundation to provide home-visit bathing service for disabled bedfast patients in Kaohsiung City's 9 remote districts including Cishan and Meinong after October 10th.

During the home-visit bathing service, an experienced team of a professional nurse, a caregiver and an operator carries modular bath equipment in the van to a disabled patient's home, and provide the patient with services including whole body cleaning, bathing, wound care, and consulting about social welfare, which requires only 6-7 m2 in the house. This service helps the disabled elders, who suffer from limited place, equipment, and manpower and can only take blanket bath, to regain dignity and happiness of bathing.

The home-visit bathing car mainly offers service to residents in 9 districts in Kaohsiung City (including Cishan, Meinong, Jiasian, Liouguei, Neimen, Maolin, Tauyuan, Shanlin, and Namasia). The service costs 600 NTD every time. However, once the patient is registered and living in Kaohsiung City, and qualified in long-term care 2.0 plan as a moderately or severely disabled or handicapped patient who cannot take a bath on his own, the patient only needs to pay 400 NTD with the rest 200 NTD funded by the government. In addition to the qualifications above, if the patient's family is also qualified as a low-income or lower-middle-income household, the bathing fee is fully funded by the government. Moreover, first-time free trial is also offered. If there is a disabled bedfast patient in your home, please contact Cuiwen Academy Social Welfare Charity Foundation: 07-6672888#155, 0934181300.

Posted by: Long-Term Care Division. Posted on: 106/10/20.
Last updated on:2018-11-29 13:52:45.000