Latest News
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2023-03-20Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 612 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 7 imported cases。
2023-03-19Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 925 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 12 imported cases。
2023-03-18Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 884 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 9 imported cases。
2023-03-17Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 984 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 10 imported cases。
2023-03-16Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 1,050 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 10 imported cases。
2023-03-15Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 1,124 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 15 imported cases。
2023-03-14Public Health BureauKaohsiung city confirms more 1,192 COVID-19 domestic cases, and 14 imported cases。
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